In order to increase our work efficiency and offer of quality services, please accord to following to supply the information:
Two original copies of Memorandum and Articles of Association, and one photo copy of Annual Return (AR 1), Business Registration, and Notification of first Secretary and Director (D1) or NC1 Form;
二, 所有公司變更資料(若有)
All the change’s information of company, (if any);
三,銀行單據(jù):Bank Records and Statements
1, 銀行月結(jié)單 Monthly Bank Statements
2,所有月結(jié)單上進(jìn)支的每筆收付款通知書、存款單或支票存根All the bank’s transaction advices, pay-in slips and cheques stub;
四. 購銷部分:Purchases and Sales
1,銷售部分: 本公司出立的所有銷售發(fā)票(invoice) Sales: all the sales invoices issued by company,
2, 采購部分: 所有開立給本公司的購貨發(fā)票(invoice) Purchases: all the purchase invoices issued by suppliers;
1, 如辦公費(fèi)、電話費(fèi)、運(yùn)費(fèi)、速遞費(fèi)、差旅費(fèi)、車船費(fèi)、交際費(fèi)等的收據(jù)或發(fā)票。
The receipts and vouchers of office expense, telephone and transport fee, courier and postage fee, trips fee, fare and travelling expenses, entertainment expenses, advertising expenses, etc.
2,工資費(fèi)用: 香港的稅種之一為薪俸稅,即員工的個人所得稅,目前是年薪不超,13.2萬港幣時免交個人所得稅。Salaries and Wages: Salary tax is one of the taxation in Hong Kong, Present amount of exemption (allowance) from salary tax is HK$120,000.00
3,租金: 如房租費(fèi)、租車費(fèi)等,須提供租賃合同或協(xié)議、收據(jù)或發(fā)票
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